Queer love for the microbiome! (2023)
Post-anthropocentric circus in urban gardens
by and with Jana Korb and Ella von der Haide
Meet your microbiome! (2022)
Performances with Microbes-Tattoo-Workshop
by Ella von der Haide
by Ella von der Haide
Ernährungswende in Sendling (2021)
Performative Audiowalk to places of sustainable and regional nutrition in Sendling
by Ella von der Haide
So ernährt sich Giesing (2021)
Performative Audiowalk to places of sustainable and regional nutrition in Sendling
by Ella von der Haide
Queer ecologies and urban gardening (2016-19)
Performance and Film Lectures
by Ella von der Haide
Alpine self-optimization drama
by Ella von der Haide