deutsch | english Queer ecologies and urban gardening Performance Lectures und Filmvorträge (2016-2019) Auswahl von performativen Vorträgen und Filmvorführungen:   2.7.2019 Queer Gardening in North America, an der Community Academy Bayreuth Academy: Working Group...

deutsch | english Queer ecologies and urban gardening Performance and Film Lectures (2016-2019) Selection of performative lectures and film screenings:   2.7.2019 Queer Gardening in North America, at the Community Academy Bayreuth Academy: Working Group...

deutsch | english Meet your microbiome! Performances with Microbes-Tattoo-Workshop (2022)  Tattooing as a mainstream subcultural practice is closely linked to queer ecology and gardening. The plants grow, so to speak, from the carefully tilled soil onto the bodies of...

deutsch | english Meet your microbiome! Performances mit Mikroben-Tattoo-Workshop (2022)  Tätowierung als in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommene subkulturelle Praxis ist eng mit queerer Ökologie und Gartengestaltung verbunden. Die Pflanzen wachsen quasi vom...

deutsch | english Queer love for the microbiome! About the symbiotic KopfÜberDenken in NaturKulturenPost-anthropocentric circus in urban gardens With poetic, comic, artistic and interactive scenes, we take the audience on a journey into the microcosm of our world....