Ella von der Haide

Performance/Theater/Media Artist
Dipl.-Ing. for Urban and Regional Planning
Landscape Gardener


Ella von der Haide
Ulmenstr. 1

82049 Pullach


since 19Freelance Media Artist
since 17Lecture-Performances on Queer Ecology
24Performative Walk: W.A.L.D
24Performance: MYZEL
23Open Air Stage play: Cirque du Soil
22Documentary: Queer Gardening – queer-feminist ecologies in North America

Founding member and chairman of the supervisory board

21Audiowalk: Ernährungswende in Sendling
20Audiowalk: So ernährt sich Giesing
15DocumentaryAnother World is plantable! Part 5. Urban Community Gardens in Germany
14-19Scientific Staff at the Department of Freiraumplanung at the University of Kassel
13Stage play: Kunstschnee
13Research and Public Relations on the topic: “Kooperationen zwischen Urbanen Gärten und Kommunen”. On behalf of the Stiftungsinitiative Urbanes Gärtnern in München
13DocumentaryInterkultureller Garten Aalen
13Lectureship at the TU-München, Institut für Entwerfen, Stadt und Landschaft
13Organization of the Conference at the TU-München: Freiraumplanung und urbane Gemeinschaftsgärten – Kooperationen in Sicht?
12DocumentaryGrüne Berufe
12DocumentaryThe Garden — A Place for Lifelong Learning
12DocumentaryWenn Pferde flüstern
12Research, Editing and Design of the Homepage www.urbane-gaerten-muenchen.de
12DocumentaryAnother World is plantable! Part 4. Community Gardens in North America
11DocumentaryWiederständige Saat
10DocumentaryZukunft säen Vielfalt ernten
09SrocktakingUrbane partizipative Gärten München
09Lectureship at the Hochschule München, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit
08Lectureship at the Hochschule München, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit
08Documentary: No Border-Grenzcamp Ukraine 2007
07DocumentaryAnother World is plantable! Part 3. Community Gardens in South Africa
07Documentary: Frauenrechte in Kashmir Women between the fornt lines
06Advancement Award for Nachwuchswissenschaft der Louisoder Umweltstiftung
06Tour Guide for botanical garden tours in Italy
06Documentary: Another World is plantable! Part 2. Community Gardens in Berlin
05Documentary: No Land! No House! No Vote! – voices from the housing struggle – Cape Town
04DocumentaryAnother World is plantable! Part 1. Community Gardens in Buenos Aires
04Book Release: Urbanen Gärten in Buenos Aires
04-14Stays on organic farms and eco-villages in Europe and the US, annually and for several months
00-14Lectures and Publications on urban gardening and queer-feminist environmental planning
96-04Studies: Dipl.- Ing. Stadt- und Regionalplanung, TU- Berlin
95-96Studies: Master Landschaftsarchitektur am College of Art in Edinburgh, Schottland
93-95Apprenticeship im Garten- und Landschaftsbau, München
93Abitur am Pestalozzi Gymnasium, München
ab 90Artistic work in the fields of painting, sculpture, video installation, performance, theater
22.2.74Born in Munich


2022Queer Gardening – queer-feminist ecologies in North America, 78 minutes
2016Another World is plantable! Part 5. Urban Community Gardens in Germany , 55 minutes 
2014Lebenslanges Lernen im Gärtnerberuf2 minutes
2013Der Interkulturelle Garten Aalen7 minutes
2012Wenn Pferde flüstern. Lene Husch und ihre Pferde (When Horses Whisper), 5,5 minutes
2012Another World is plantable! Part 4. Community Gardening in North Amerika, Documentary, 60 minutes
2011The garden, a place for lifelong learning20 minutes, co-directed by Chris Jenner
2011Widerständige Saat / Resilient Seed, 32 minutes, in cooperation with the Saatgutkampagne
2011Grüne Berufe, 22 minutes, on behalf of the Quartiersmanagement Brunnenviertel-Brunnenstraße Berlin
2010Zwei Geschlechter sind nicht genug, Internet film, created from a queer-feminist video workshop, 1,5 minutes
2010Zukunft säen Vielfalt ernten – Let’s liberate diversity! Saatgut bleibt GemeingutInternet film and educational film, 34 minutes, in cooperation with the Saatgutkampagne
2009Grüne Lernorte in Berlin und Brandenburg, 10 minutes, on behalf of the Schul-Umweltzentrum-Mitte, Berlin
2009Ecological Projects in Columbia: Nashira un Canto de Amor, Domo el Bosque, Mama Lulu, 15 minutes, in cooperation with the NGO: Change the World, Norway
2008Grenzcamp Ukraine 2007, 50 minutes
2007Another World is plantable! Part 3. Community Gardens in South Africa, 50 minutes
2006Women between the front lines – Voices from the women of Kashmir, 55 minutes, co-directed by Assabah Kahn and Alexander Vorbrugg
2006Another World is plantable! Part 2. Community Gardens in Berlin, 40 minutes, co-directed by Alexander Puell
2005No Land! No House! No Vote! – voices from the housing struggle – Cape Town, 32 minutes
2004Another World is plantable! Part 1. Community Gardens in Buenos Aires, 35 minutes, co-directed by Christoph Arndt. Awarded with the Förderpreis für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen der Louisoder Umweltstiftung.