In the film series, “Another World is Plantable!”, community gardens in different parts of the world are presented. At the core of the film series are the activists from the community gardens, the gardens themselves, and the visions the activists have of them. They recount how and why their gardens are not just green oases in the middle of the city, but much more than that projects that bring into being ‘another world’. The documentary film series takes up these ideas and connects them to emancipatory projects in different parts of the world.

Queer Gardening – queer-feminist ecologies in North America, 2022
Another world is plantable! Production
DVD, 78 minutes
Ella von der Haide

Another World is plantable!  Part 4
Community Gardens in North America, 2012
English with German subtitles
DVD, 60 minutes
Ella von der Haide

Another World is plantable!  Part 2
Community Gardens in Berlin, 2006
DVD, 38 minutes
Ella von der Haide and Alexander Puell

Another World is plantable!  Part 1
Community Gardens in Buenos Aires 2003
DVD, 30 minutes
Ella von der Haide and Christoph Arndt

More Films …
Ella von der Haide: Filmography